Innovation needs freedom!

July 30, 2020 · 1 min read

When we say that our vision is to “reimagine connectivity, together”, our actions match our words. That’s why we’ve imagined and launched the Fischer Freedom™ Series, which serves as a technology platform and innovation enabler for design engineers and integrators.


There are multiple ways of being innovative as an organization.


We can leverage our existing products and solutions, and contribute to innovative global initiatives or ambitious ideas.

We can imagine and build new products that solve real problems encountered in the markets where we’re active.


Or we can co-create together with our customers who are facing a specific challenge.


The common denominator among all these ways of doing innovation is to take away the usual constraints and enable the customer to achieve her/his own vision.


The Fischer Freedom™ Series created by Fischer Connectors is a technology platform that we make available to our customers so that they can create the most efficient solution for their applications.


Our Freedom is your freedom.


It has been imagined, designed and produced in order to allow our customers to use a “connectivity-by-design” approach* when tackling their challenges.

* Connectivity design can (and should) take place upstream in the device design process, not downstream. With the versatile Fischer Freedom™ technology at hand, engineers and integrators can design their devices with easy and reliable connectivity integrated from the outset.


>> Also read our definition & manifesto of innovation and check out our new video on your freedom:

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